Friday, September 10, 2021


 Started working through he last lecture in theWeb series, this one

to do with scaling and security. 

Once one is with a cloud-based service - rather than on premise - the issue

of how one budgets for increASED server needs arises. One can move up to larger server - 

verical scaling - but horizontal scaling is more sensible ie more servers.


And that opens up the load balancing problem. The demon of randomness comes into play

here; on can never predict how thngs mght accumulate on just the one server!

A further aspect: keeping track of previous visists ie session data, whih one keeps

on the s server, in a database or een on theclient machine with cookies. But that too

can generate a lot of traffic and add up.

Tje preferred method, ultimately, is autoscaling. One calls a new server for

increased traffic and disconnects it when the rush stops

                                                                                                                         . . .

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