Saturday, February 25, 2023


 It's been snowing in unexpected places in California, and I've seen

footage of careening truck traffic going through it. Take it easy, folks.

Quebecers have long experience with winter driving, but even we

wouldn't try that!!

As for the what the preciitation is; below, a beginner introduction. It all depends

how the warm and cold  air are stacked. Below, the warm in red, the cold in



source: Wikipedia

Particularly dangerous, the third column. It falls as rain but immediately freezes

on hitting an object...

                                                          *     *     *

Nothing but fun with Codemy"s django #3. Cut out a lot of things from

base.html. And used python to move headings and tags.


Changing the 'models' code has to be followed by makemigrations, and migrate.

This is the project database; not just html.

              The actual title tag is entered from the Admin area, and saved.                                         

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