Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 The CPI for January 2023 is 153.9



Source : CBC

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source : Le Nouvel Observateur, Published on February 21, 2023 

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

Anti-West diatribe, withdrawal from the Start treaty… What stood out in Vladimir Putin's speech

Vladimir Putin spoke at length before the Russian Federal Assembly on Tuesday. He accused Ukraine and the West of being responsible for the war and orchestrating the conflict to wipe Russia off the map.

During a SoapOpera speech strongly hostile to Westerners, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Tuesday February 21 that Russia was suspending its participation in the New Start agreement on nuclear disarmament and threatened to carry out new nuclear tests if the States States were to proceed first.

“Russia is suspending its participation in the Start treaty ,” declared Vladimir Putin, calling on the Russian authorities to be “ready for nuclear weapons tests” if Washington carries them out first. This treaty, signed in 2010 between the United States and Russia, notably limits the nuclear arsenals of the two countries.

Before the Federal Assembly in Moscow, which brings together the two chambers of the Russian Parliament, Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of being responsible for the start of the war:

“They are the ones who started the war, and we did our best to put an end to it. »

“A year ago, to ensure the security of our country, to eliminate threats from a neo-Nazi regime that has existed in Ukraine since the 2014 coup, it was decided to carry out a special military operation. And we will settle step by step, carefully and methodically, the objectives that arise in front of us , ”he said, promising to continue his offensive.

Global Confrontation Phase
Vladimir Putin again accused the United States and NATO of orchestrating the conflict to wipe Russia off the map. According to the Russian president, “even before the start of the special military operation, Kiev was negotiating with the West for deliveries to Ukraine of air defense systems, combat aircraft and other heavy equipment”. He also denounced "concrete actions: the deployment of NATO or military contingents" on the Russian border.

"The Western elite does not hide its objectives which are to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, that is to say that a local conflict must enter a phase of global confrontation", affirmed the Russian president before parliamentarians.

“We understand that and we will respond. The existence of our country is at stake. The elites of the West do not hide their objective: to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, that is to say to finish us off once and for all” , he hammered.

War of Civilization

According to the Russian head of state, Westerners are waging a war of civilization against Russia. "They keep attacking our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional religious organizations in our country ," he said.

“Look at what they are doing with their own people: the destruction of families, cultural and national identities, perversion and child abuse, even pedophilia, are declared to be the norm, it is the norm of their life. And priests are obliged to bless marriages between homosexuals. Let them do what they want! »

Vladimir Putin then referred to the “Holy Scriptures and fundamental books of all the other religions of the world”  : “Everything is said there, including that the family is the union of a man and a woman. But even these sacred texts are now being questioned ,” he said.

A senior US official has denounced the "absurdity" of President Vladimir Putin's accusations that the Western threat against Russia justified the invasion of Ukraine. “No one is attacking Russia. There is a kind of absurdity in the idea that Russia was under some form of military threat from Ukraine or anyone else ,” the House national security adviser told reporters  - for the White House - Jake Sullivan.

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