Friday, February 24, 2023

Chocolate Season


So Tammy L. is doing well: loosing weight at a reasonable clip,

even being told she may no longer need therapy. In her latest

video, has prepared  and frozen healthy meals so that the next time she

binges, she can get back to proper eating more easily.

This is her argument: realistically, she is goimg to binge again at some

point. This time, she will be better prepared. 

Her followers are pointing out this is dangerous thinking, setting herself

up for failiure.

So, how to approach this. As an outsider to the food culture of the Netherlands,

I am not quite sure what foods are available to her. I do notice that there - like 

everywhere else - the supermarkets present an annual rotation of goodies for 

this and that. Like given that Easter is on the horizon, it is chocolate season everywhere. 

Trigger foods for a food addict.

'Le juste milieu' might be in order here. Tammy's diet is terribly meat and potatoes healthy. 

And that will get boring, or maybe just constraining. Realistically, she should allow

a little sugar in her life now and then, on the order of jam on toast with a coffee for

breakfast. Her brain will be happy for a short while, as she has noticed.

But then she will feel bad, and think in a disordered fashion. The probem is not with her;

this is sugar at work. Feel good reaction, but nothing useful going on with body

fuctions. A rush of energy, that diverts to worry and rumination.

She does need to go back to cleaner eating, at the very next meal.

And remind herself of this inevitable reaction, next time she is in the chocolate aisle!!

                                            *     *     *

Wanted to continue with Codemy Django #3 I am currently on Bpttstrap

but the tutorial is two years old, and works from bootstrap #4. No problem;

moving right along...

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