Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Busy Day

 There should be an annoucement from the US Fedral reserve about

the Bank rate this afternoon. A hike of .25% is expected. This may not

be the last hike for the US in 2023.

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Bill C-22 is scheduled for a Third Reading and vote in Canada's House of Commons

this afternoon. The Bill earlier received unanimous approval on Reading Two.


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From the Guardian UK:



                                                                *     *     *
If the US is bracing for yet another fight in the House about raising the debt ceiling,

European countries are looking to adjusting retirement. In the UK, the retirement age is set to

go up to 67, and then 68 in the coming years as per an act passed in 2007. As for France,

 and considered a 'model' of the genre, the 2010 reform in France under Nicholas Sarkosy 

was technically complex.,fran%C3%A7ais%20de%20retraites%20par%20r%C3%A9partition.

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