Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 The results from running my (Perplexity) circuit were in this morning, but not

at all what I expected. Below, from the IBM site. 



All clocking in at 0. Which tells me I might do better running this on a more optimized

circuit. So I amrunning it again on qiskit code, which should come in this afternoon...

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Found a resource on the web which is helpful to me. Sometimes it is the simplest

assumptions underlying an explanation that trips one up. So phase estimation is not 

probabilistic. Phase itself (θ) is defined between zero and 1 on 2 pi,

with 1 as a limiting term which one never actually reaches. So it is an estimation in the

sense that one's decimal approach gets ever more precise, as one adds qubits. We are

dealing with decimal qubits, so that .11 is .75 as a base 10 decimal!!

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Wasn't getting anything from QuantumComposer (zeros for eac of the three qubits) so

ran one last time, this time with the circuit as code. The result:


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