Tuesday, October 13, 2015


So here I am, on day 3 of the Military Diet. This is very popular on the Net, and
YouTube is full of ladies giving this one a try. Full points, for the diet: it pulls in
those struggling with cravings and gives them hope. The 3-day, below:

I can do that, the innocent think. Indeed, it is eminently doable, and one does loose 
weight. The diet goes on to suggest more generous menus, for the next four days. 
Then back to the 3-day... until one is at goal weight.

And yes, the maintenance days menu is quite appealing. Except for one teeny
weeny little detail: THE ICE CREAM DISAPPEARS! No, my friends, there is no
dessert on the maintenance page. At best, a snack allowance for unflavoured yogurt
and berries. Makes Weight Watchers appear like Party Time. So there it is, effective
but brutal, this diet marches one back to healthy eating. And it works!

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