Friday, April 7, 2017


Interesting article in the Figaro( the Right) this morning: 42% of voters
from those teaching at the post-secondasry level are undecided
about who to vote for in the upcoming presidential
election. 'Traditionally on the Left', they are divided
equally between three candidates. They had voted for F.Hollande
in the last election, but are now 'disappointed'. 72% also feel
that they have inadequae resources for their 'mission' ie jobs.

I am a bit surprised that they are all traditionally on the Left.
But thinking back, yes, universitites are liberal-leaning. Not
altogether surprising because the Left is more generous to them
as a group of workers, but certainly of note because it means
students will be taught from that point of view. Liberals are nurtured,
Conservatives resist.
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Other interesting piece: a report of an article from the Wall Street
Journal, that young american graduates are disappointed in their first jobs,
which require little of the skills that they acquired in school. From the point
of view of employers, the better schooled are appreciated for their resilience
and stick-to-itness. Wonder where that comes from...

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Yes, it is day 2 of grey and rainy. I might paddle out for meds later this morning.

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