Friday, April 21, 2017

The Truth

I made no secret of the fact that I considered Brexit,
to say it, I didn't consider Brexit at all. It seemed an evasive
move, and not the prettiest one.

To recap: The EU evolved afterWorld War 2, between equals.
It was partly in the interests of the nations concerned to form a larger
economic unit. But it was also a form of war regret, and meant to help
the nations concerned maintain peace with each other, and be less of
a case for the rest of the planet.

If one consults the documentation on its beginnings, one sees that France
pushed for an initial common agricultural policy because, at the
time, agriculture is what France had to offer. Over the years, Germany has
come to profit for the common currency given its industrial strength. And
finally, London has become the financial capital of the world, with all the
benefits that are entailed.

But, the EU is no longer between equals. It is for legal purposes, because no one
tried to define it otherwise, but dans les faits, the break-up of the Soviet Union
has led to the entrance of a number of fragile states, and unstable populations.
Long story short, the United States largely brought this on itself, they just had
to win. And now Britain found itself paying into Europe like a big brother,
which it didn't much appreciate.

What now; not really my call. Canada has just signed a deal with Europe on the
hand, and promised everlasting cooperation with Britain and the Anglosphere on
the other. But one cannot help but wish for a clean deal not the EU itself, but with
various factions within it, a little exercise which might bring to light a few helpful

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