Thursday, April 13, 2017


Libération gives a somewhat different picture of North Korea
than does the Anglophone Press .Citing university analysts from South
Korea, they lean toward recognizing the present Korean leadership, and
accepting nuclear development; otherwise negotiations are impossible.

South Korea is presently in a pre-election phase.

The American ships should be reaching destination Saturday, as annual celebrations
begin in North Korea.

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15:40 Eastern North American Time, April 14, 2017.

BTW, the above image, from le Nouvel Obs, is only possible in Photoshop: a meld
between two different images, on the model of a gradient!!

Vincent Jauvert's brief piece informs us that the American armada has arrived in
range of Korea; the game of chicken is on. The author advances that NK's young
leader is convinced that he needs the nuclear option to insure the legitimacy of his
regime, and indeed to safeguard his country from the dangers of America. President
Trump, for his part, needs to see the light on the importance of diplomacy. Who will
have the upper hand. Réponse demain.

Indeed, tomorrow is coming fast as Seoul is 13 hours ahead of Montreal, thus currently
4 in the morning on the 15th.

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Also wondering how to explain that 'mother of all bombs' does not translate to
'mère de toutes les bombes', but is a far nastier idiom!?

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