Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Law

Libération published an interesting note today, about wanting
to intervene in the disinformation wars. French law is strict on
the publishing of poll results near the election. In effect, although polls
are ongoing, publication of poll results is illegal since Friday. But, as they
point out, this does not apply to the internet or foreign press. So Libé announced
the right to 'correct' out and out lies meant to destabilize the vote.

Found one: the Washington Post this morning asserts that Marine Le Pen
would loose to all her main rivals on the second round. Not what I've
been reading: she would loose to Macron and Fillon, but would win against
Mélenchon. And legal polls have also shown that her voters have the highest
rate on the 'absolutely intend to go out and vote' question.

Not that I am necessarily a Le Pen supporter, and the French in Montreal voted
yesterday, but she did come to Montreal to visit. And it was much appreciated by

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