Monday, April 24, 2017

Name Game

Got curious about Mrs Le Pen's name, Marine, which is most unusual.
In fact, it is not a proper first name at all, but something of a pet name, like
Pippa Middleton for Philippa Charlotte Middleton, sister to the Duchess
of Cambridge.

Here is the entry from the French Wikipedia:

Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, dite Marine Le Pen (prononcé [ma.ʁin lə.pɛn]), née le à Neuilly-sur-Seine, est une femme politique française.

Her birthplace, Neuilly-sur-Seine, is the quite prosperous suburb of Paris that Nicholas Sarkosy
was mayor of, launching his career. Her current burg of choice, in Northern France, is one
where she keeps a vacation home.

And if one looks up Perrine - a diminutive of Pierre - as a literary reference, one finds a character from the novels of Hector Malot (1830 - 1907), a Republican from Northern France (Rouen) who
championed the condition of children.

                                                              *   *   *

On the issue of Russian influence on Western elections, a small moment of mirth from
Reuters France this morning: apparently, a Russian think Tank counseled support for the
more pro-Russian candidate in the American election, and later - when a Hillary Clinton victory
appeared imminent - advised switching to making the vote seem rigged, making Mrs
Clinton a weaker President. Victims of the polls, all! 😂

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