Thursday, April 27, 2017


France has rules about election posters. In effect, those are
mandatory to represent the candidates, and their public meetings.
Each commune is requires, by law, to offer public spaces
so that these can be put up, in proximity to where people vote.

And then there was Photoshop. The official pictures for the two
candidates to the presidential run-off were just published. Le
Nouvl Obs asked for an assessment of the work of the two teams
by semiologists.

The two are strikingly similar (red, white and blue on the same poster
is a forbidden combination). The E. Macron poster is a prosopopoeia,
France is doing the speaking (like the cutlery in Alice in wonderland).
The M. Le Pen is a seductress version of the candidate, very different
from the woman of character she normally projects. Each seems to be
courting the supporters of the other.

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