Friday, July 13, 2018

About Restaurants

The below video put things in perspective for me about the whole
dining out issue and current weight problems. In France, right after the Revolution,
all the master cooks were suddenly without jobs. The only possibility for them
was to open restaurants, which they did, in Paris, in great numbers. Under Napoleon,
the elite started dining together in those expensive restaurants: one needed money
to afford this intimacy. This help explain why Paris is - to this day - a great place to eat out.

England had a different experience. If Waterloo is documented as a military encounter, one
of the great takeaways for the French was that those English soldiers were actually eating the
meat of beef!?  French soldiers were on vegetable-rich soups and bread. This ultimately lead
to the proliferation of cattle breeding on the Continent, and meat soon became available for

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