Friday, July 6, 2018

Reverse T

Extreme heat brings out odd chemical reactions. I remember years ago - during
a similar heat wave - having to, one fine morning, throw out every bottle of
cologne in the house because the stench of perfume had become unbearable.
All those lovely bottles, with a bit of perfume left, I was keeping to remember suddenly had to
go. I experienced the same thing a few days a go with alcohol; an open bottle of Proseco in
the refrigerator, from over a year ago, was suddenly inundating the appartment with wiffs of
cheap alcohol. I emptied it and washed in sudsy water, and it is now with my collection of odd

So this morning, my vanilla dishwashing detergent is starting to smell pretty strong. This heat
has just got to settle down...

I'm also on my way to Canadian Tire: the plastic toilet handle stayed in my hand in the middle
of the night. I'm pretty confident about repairing this myself. The old handle is off (reverse
threaded is the key). Onwards!!


                                          *     *     *

Fair amount of fiddling on getting the chain length; otherwise, fine. Dunzo!

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