Saturday, July 28, 2018

Wine and Cheese

Some people are such killjoys!! Been reading a sociological
account, and for once, I totally disgree. The subject: tourism.
How it has become an extension of work, with little surprises
and a burden on visited destinations. Blah, blah.

We are all cpnscious that there is now a phenomenon of mass tourism,
low-cost flights, cheap accomodation which make it possible for large 
numbers of people to vacation, and many do so at the same time. Thus 
overcrowding to the point of nightmare situations as Greece has recently 
experienced. I, for one, have lovely memories of my own explorations.

Granted, it was a unique context: I visited Western Europe in the middle of 
the Cold War, off-season. Indeed, I remember days when my friend and I 
would be totally alone in this or that museum. The Royal Tour, then.

I haven’t been back to Europe since 1975. Because I had my turn at it.
And didn’t look for McDos and diet Coke when I was there, but drank the wine.

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