Wednesday, July 4, 2018


One of the benefits of living in a globalized society is
that holidays are now two days long... (Picture yourself in Grenwich: the date
changes on the other side of the world 12 hours before it hits you; and
will go on another twelve after you have gone forward!!) Awesome.

All this to say that I celebrated the Fourth of July (thinking of friends and family)
last night, by pimping up my usual evening meal of fruit and cereal and adding tapioca,
coffee yogurt and whipped topping to a bit of Rice Krispies. It was very fine. And
then I might well be stopping in at McDonalds today for their signature fries because,
this is Murica, folks.

                                          *     *     *

Yes, it got hot in the Montreal region. From today's Washington Post:

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