Monday, July 16, 2018


So here we go again, discussing Trump and his alledsgedly
shameful mistreatment of the American Intelligence community.
Even read in Libération that an ex-director of the FBI had called
his press conference behavior 'shameful'.

How I see it: the communications environment in which we live has radically
changed. So now - thanks to Twitter - I am watching the evening news in the company
of Donald Trump, pretty much everyday.. And interestingly - also, thanks to Twitter
 - I am having dinner with an ex-FBI director, as well.

Because this is what we are getting: what a tired old dude needs to get off his chest
at the end of the day. And at the end of the day, the mainstream media are not very helpful,
but more intent on fanning the flames.

To be brutally frank, what I am ashamed of is the lack of sophistication about this. Because it
seems to be serving us well up to a point. But it can also lead us to situatiions a little
perspective might help us avoid!!

                                   *     *     *

Following up on that devilish meeting, President Putin magnanimously
offered the US access to the interrogation of the intelligence officers
returned to Russia. I did a double take on that. Yes, intelligence officers exist
but since when are they on an Amabassy payroll. We are definetely in a
different Twitter account, here. Voir in an nenirely different political culture.
That is the benefit of a blurt-it-out President. He invites confidences in return
and we witness all kinds of things...

Yes, on thinking back, Russia did meddle in the election. I remember
during the campaign seeing all kinds of truly bizarre anti-Clinton messages
popping up on Facebook.I remember thinking at the time that the US must
have a large population of recent Russian immigrants (trying to learn English)
I didn't know about. Srly, I actually thought that. Silly me: they were bots!

Not necessarily Russia. Actually, Cambridge Analytica wanted the good
performance marks. To each his own.

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