Monday, March 18, 2019

Binges (2)

I did manage to go off popato chips in a rather dramatic
fashion. It was a permanent fix for me, and has freed me of
savory food compulsions from then on. It was also pretty
crazy behavior on my part, something I have never told anyone.
Who better to share this with than the WWW? Here goes...

It was a difficult time in my life and I was living alone. 11 am and
I hadn't eaten yet;  I was tempted to reach for a large bag of
potato chips purchased 'on sale' the day before. One doesn't always
notice when one's behaviour goes off the rails, but this time I did.
In fact, I realized that reaching for chips at that moment would have
amounted to addictive behavior, eating for pleasure instead of facing
some unpleasant aspects of my current situation. I really wanted
those chips, which is how I knew this was dangerous. I decided I was
going to win the round, and conquer my addictions.

I have always been a careful money manager, and I was brought up to be
thankful for food, and respectful of nature's bounty. I took the bag of chips and
threw it on the ground. I then proceeded to crush it with my foot, and stomp
on it with one foot, and then two. All the time releasing my frustration and rage
at being controlled, mocked, ignored and my own displeasure at myself for
not having been stronger in the past. I also ordered myself to do this again if
I ever bought another bag of these wretched things. That was it. I then broomed
up the mess and proceeded with my day.

Not long thereafter, I registered for German Language classes, which filled
up my days and advanced me itellectually. End of tale.

I really don't know if this little story might be of use to anyone else; because
what looks like a bad eating wrinkle might be hiding some serious therapy-
worthy issues. I am quite well-read about therapy and gave myself a
warpspeed moment. For what it's worth.

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