Monday, March 4, 2019


100 Day Weight Loss with daily weigh-in:

1. After you've weighed-in, thank yourself. It was hard
to do this, and you have just done something positive.
This is a win!!

2.Yes, counting calories is necessary, but it is not sufficient.
Counting calories starting from candy will lead to a mad binge...
It comes down to recognizing proper portions of healthy foods:
EITHER two scrambled eggs with lettuce; one fried egg with
shaved ham; one boiled egg on buttered toast. Each version, with
a cup of tea, is 200 calories. That's breakfast and lunch is at least
4 hours away!!

3. If you feel the urge to eat off-plan, or at an inappropriate time,
consider this: you've done that already (that is, made a self-indulgent
choice) and you know where it leads; to where you are now. So make
the other choice, and stick to plan!!

That's it!!

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