Monday, March 11, 2019


My age is showing again, but I was somewhat shocked
to lean that France had recently voted in a referendum on
a preference for  permanent Summer Hours and was notifying
the EU of this result (not really sure what happens next; all countries
were asked to report in). And then last night read how a number
of American states are thinking of going Summer as well. How weird!

High noon is the sun at its highest (overhead) position at noon. This
is standard time, and I was happy and proud to learn this as a child.
Makes sense.  I dutifully turned off at 9 pm last night and still only woke
up at 7:50 this morning. My natural waking time is 6:50, which I hit
with great regularity. I'm foggy-brained and off from having moved the clocks
to Summer Hours and slept so much.

Why make an issue of this? Humans are not plants, responding chemically
to sunlight to initiate growth. We kinda like sleeping in, enjoy a little drinkie on
the terrace after work and don't mind long evenings. But I can't help but
feel sad for future generations loosing that 'click'  of comprehension on how
we mark time.

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