Monday, March 18, 2019


Call me an old fogey, but I find discussions about weight
loss and loose skin utterly  Byzantine.  The underlying assumption
seems to be moralistic, that somehow the horror of loose skin will
be visited on those who have been fatter, as a marker of divine
displeasure. That's just plain silly. We have evolved as creatures
capable of storing fat and using it in later times, and there is no reason
to believe our skin didn't get the memo. Seriously.

Our bodies do change as we age, our skeletons settle, and each cycle
of repair and replacement becomes a little different, until we encounter
cellular information loss on a grand scale in old age. That is a
natural death. Thirthy is the cut off age.

So let us consider what might be going on.

Here is a story from my personal experience. My right arm  was feeling
stiff on humid days last winter (from a previous fall on ice) and I found a
five minute routine on YouTube that seemed to move the arms in all directions.
It was one of those 'Let's get rid of those Bingo Wings, ladies' routines.
I did the routine maybe ten times all told, and do some of the moves
as a needed stetch. For days I've been feeling this odd tightness in my
upper arms, and the lag feeling on the underarm is no longer there. On
checking in the mirror, lo and behold, my bingo wings are gone!! I've
got tight little upper arms, something I've never known in my entire life.
How amazing is that.

Moral of the story: gravity works against you but also for you. The body
is a wonderful thing.

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