Tuesday, July 30, 2019


This is my 10 am breakfast on a muggy day. It looks
like a lot but is my usual calorie allowance, around 250
calories. It is in fact, high fiber. I have mixed pineapple,
cantaloup and cucumber with 2% cottage cheese. On
lettuce (which is currently plentiful) with Ryvita crackers
and almond butter.

It fulfills my daily requirements for raw vegetables ie salad.

                                                                      *     *     *

It recently struck me how chagrin (sad) the whole discourse about
healthy eating has become. It is totally decontextualized and someone
with diet fatigue might end up eating Christmas cookies in July because
the points are good on Weight Watchers. Christmas is not in July, and
it - and its cookies - is something one looks forward to come Fall.

One of the most famous passages in French literature is Proust's treatment
of his hero eating a Madeleine (little butter tea cake), and being transported to 
a moment of his adolescence by the sea, surrounded by lovely girls. Human
memories are linked to sensory experiences. Who knew.

Read this morning about the dangers of intermitten fasting aka three
meals a day. Seems that the experience of hunger could lead to a rise
in cortisol. Indeed, it could. We evolved as animals meant to forage
and hunt for our sustenance, and the stress hormone cortisol is what
makes it possible for us to take action. Let's not get silly, here, and conflate
description and prescription.

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