Tuesday, July 23, 2019


So it's a done deal: the .2% have spoken in Britain and
the country now has a new Prime Minister. Well done...
I think.

This is where my personnal experience fails to pull me
through because the complexities of English political culture,
and Parliamentary manoeuvres are in a league of their own.
Mr Johnson gets rewarded after  opposing Mrs May on Brexit House
votes; but then, Mrs May had campaigned as a Remainer, and it
was only polite to have a conciliatory government. But then, Mr Johnson
had savaged the EU as a journalist, on something of a lark. But again,
many non-Londoners in Britain might well feel Brexit would be a
pretty good idea. So well-off Conservatives have voted-in Mr Johnson
for masculine reasons. Am I onboard, here?

The government changes tomorrow. I did follow the Brexit saga
quite closely, and my broadband charges actually went up from
all the checking in with varous sites. I am planning to be more reasonable,
going to October 31st. Below, an untranslatable piece from the Guardian:


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