Saturday, December 14, 2019

Java_Lesson(16) Button

Continuing those helpful tutorials on JavaFX, I am ready
to add buttons and other functionality. Indeed, I am ambitious and
would like to see a color complements utility up as my next

The idea is simple enough. It is a feature of the rgd color model
that all color features at maximum - 255 - give white light. Thus,
any color short of that will have an additive complement. In
effect, this color 'complement' is that of maximum visibility and very
useful to know. My app idea, then is that the user calls a reference
color by its rgb value, and will be displayed that color and
its complement.

I've even got a logo for the app, COLORPAL or CPAL which i am currently
showing as a replacement icon to the java cup on an opening window.
Hope to get through this this week-end...

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