Sunday, December 8, 2019

Java_Lesson(13) ActionListener

Below, some borrowed code for a java window and button.
Quite straightforward but it does illustrate a useful concept of
programming, that is, the use of an interface: the EventListener
which picks up when a button or menu item is clicked upon.
One then creates the consequent code.

I am beginning to appreciate that all programming languages -
actually, developer languages - share certain essential features.
OOP of course, creates instances of classes, and various languages
will more or less facilitate this. It really depends on what one wants to do.

Abstract classes are actually blueprints for objects, not accessible as such
but only through their descendants. And the decleration of types, as well
as governing memory space allocation, allows coders to assess the viability
of code step by step.

My personal experience of coder's hell with java is code that compiles but
doesn't run certain features. Where's my background color, friend!? Just shows
that one needs to get up to pace with the latest version of things, where such
pitfalls have been eradicated.

*     *     *

Trying cannolli for the first time, at a new local pastry shop. 
A lovely treat!

Lyse and her current awesome Montreal haircut!!

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