Sunday, December 15, 2019

Working On...

Working on Lesson(16), it turns out that yes, on Windows,
the window icon needs to be 20x20 pixels; but looking at
the Oracle Documentation, I actually have a choice between 16x16
and 32x32. So I can have a larger icon.

Short of placing elements laboriously on the page, one can use one
of the many layout managers to automatically positions elements one
with respect to the other. The StackPane layout places things one on top
of the other. My solitary button is thus smack in the middle. Note the inline
styling, a time-saver...

*     *     *
Been plaing with the notion of shades of a color. Lighter shades are whiter; thus
adding the same number of pixels to our Classic Blue would show it lighter.
Then, what to do with colors that are maxed out on certain components, like
yellow rgb(255, 255, 0). There are provisions for rgba, the a being an alpha
channel that sets opacity, running one decimal between 0 an 1. Thus I can lighten 
my yellow with an alpha value. One needs to be careful, though, if the layer underneath
is colored 😂

                                                             *     *     *

Some progress on code:

                                                           *     *     *
Also found mah code that works:


I'm going to need a separate textfield for each rgb number; thus more boxes, and a different
layout model. ..

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