Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Difference (awt vs swing)

the java awt and swing are both java toolkits for creating
GUIs. Wanted to get cler about the difference, and found interesting
code on this. All the app does is create two text fields, and what is written
goes from one to the other on button.

The AWT one:

All very nice, but the window doesn't close. Need to add the following code:

Two things to watch for here; one needs to be within the main method so
that the f. will be recognized. And, one is asking for System to close the app.

                                                   *     *     *
Below, the same app but with swing code (still need awt for the ActionListener).

The window closes without specific code (but the app doesn't).
One would need to add the ever-present:

difference (AWT Swing)


                                                            *     *     *

Any use of system color will have to go through awt.


And we can go for RGB colors as well.

java.swing will produce backgound as long as get
ContentPane() is invoked.

*     *     *

1 comment:

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