Thursday, January 23, 2020

BPitt...World Loneliness Day

Working on...

Each of the vignettes on the activities page is actually a button control.
On click, the user should be taken to a new scene with the requested
activity. (User should also be able to return to the vignettes page if he/she
changes her mind). Thus, a back arrow will be needed.

Been thinking it would be nice if the proposed activity under Games showed
a love emoji whose opacity could be controlled by a slider control. Below, our
emoji at 50%, and 100% opaque. The actual page mightlook like below:
FancyGirl is asked to rate new cookies, BPit and a Chanel Bag to initiate her
into the girls' group. That is her badge.

That part can be done easily enough...there is also a more challenging aspect I
need to master; that is, writing only one action event function for all the actvities
buttons. An action event has a type, a source and a target which the coder can get and set.
Do-able if a bit of a mind-bender...

                                                        *     *     *

Got the slider wired for opacity. One needs to get a package from beans, and use
a pared-down version of the Action Listener code:

Very Important:

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