Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Search and Pause

A little command line savy to start the day. Where can my Ball.png
image have gone to!?The /s says to search the file name, and the /p causes a
pause after each screen of findings.

Same result; took longer...I was not on the desktop!

*     *     *

My JavaProg folder content is now on the Wordpad. The default order
is alphabetical. And my Ball.png image is there. I am here on the order of a file.

At the level of a folder, I can sort this file by date, and even go back 
to prompt and do it from there.

To chain order the commands, I would need a .bat file.

                                                               *     *     *
Below, have asked for my folder content by date, with older folders

The /OD command is from the sort function; and that function itself is part of 
Data Management. In effect, I am not sorting files but a column of dates,
and I can specify ascending or descending (/OD ascending, /O-D descending)) ...

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