Saturday, January 25, 2020


My app risks getting long and involved and have been
trying to find how to keep the code for different scenes on
different Eclipse pages.

Below, one person's very helpful model, from GitHub.
I think the notion of controller is useful, and the person is building
on the model-controller-view paradigm.

I'm not there yet, but this is helpfull.

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Sunday morning, and I am biting the proverbial bullet
and undertakening a tutorial showing Best Coding Practices.
It dates from 2015 but it follows the MVC, Model-Controller-
Viewer model. From the start, I have discarded the ever-present
application package to devise three sepatate packages...

The tutorial is available in English as well as in French transalation;
I am getting this!

I have finished Part1 of the tutorial:

The image is showing up when I run the app in Eclipse. 

spent a long moment worried because, although SceneByilder works fine, it will
not open from Eclipse. Why worry! Just drag and drop the two .FXML files to
the project, as it they were im ages. Everything works fine. That's the lesson, isn't
it; oned modularizes javafx apps by creating the visual aspects separately. And 
SceneBuilder is a gem of an app that turns one's choices into .fxml code.

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Some.fxml files open with Scenebuilder but not all:

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