Tuesday, June 14, 2022


 The Toronto stock market is down but not yet a 'bear'. Seems

Canada is protected because there are oil stocks in the mix!!

La glissade se poursuit | La Presse

                                                             *     *     *

The smart money on Wall Street is not necessarily 'buying the dip' ie

picking up tocks on the assumtion that things will necessarily get better.

Why is that; do they know something I don't!?

Turns out that the stock market is skewed to the downside. What do I mean by this.

In risk analysis, it is comforting to see risk as symmetrical: win some, loose

some. But some risk situation are skewed. A lottery ticket is skewed to the upside.

One may not win, but if one does, one could win big. How bad can things get

with stocks!? Turns out pretty bad. The chances of a really big loss may not be big, 

but they are there...

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