Sunday, June 26, 2022



from: W3Schools

Python Operators - GeeksforGeeks

                                                  *     *     *

Using logical operators to do bitwise operations can

have surprising outcomes. 

10             0000 1010

4               0000 0100

Thus, 10 and 4 have no aligned 1s, and the return on 10 & 4 is 0.

Had I asked for 10 & -4, two's complement would have kicked in:

-4             1111 1011    for the flip to complement

                 1111 1100   to two's complement

                 0000 1000   which is a return of 8

                                           *     *     *

The example with the NOT operstor is a bit more complicated. Here's thedeal:


   source: Python reference                         

                                                         *     *     *

OR        a | b     One is the result if either bit of the same rank is a 1.

10     0000 1010
4       0000 0100
        0000 1110                       which is 14.

                                                        *     *     *

NOT     ~a

10    0000 1010
       0000 1011                  
       0000 1110
       1000 1110                       which is -11. The procedure is the same whether the
                                               value is posistive or negative: -(x +), that is, add 1 and 
                                               flip the sign.


                                                      *     *     *

XOR      a ^b

A repeat of  which had no double 1s.... 14.


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