Monday, June 20, 2022


 I say it's a good thing: France's Macron government is short

39 votes out of 577 to govern with a majority, and thus needs

to ally itself with another parliamentary group to pass anything.

Many will opine that it is democracy in action, forcing hard work

and compromise. Have your say! What I like about it is that the

shortfall is so slim that the government can do pretty much anything

and the votes are there for it. It can leave the EU with the Rassemblement

 National, curb immigration with Les Républicains, ban anything that belches

from the roads with the Nupes. And spend on things military with any 

number of partners. Things look daunting this morning, but in these

troubled times, it makes the government adaptable.

A particularity of recent French elections is the low participation rate. Young people

in particular shun elections with a blasé 'what difference can it make'. This

is not apathy; these same young poeple, who will only vote if the vote is 'crucial',

think nothing of going to the streets, shutting down schools and other direct action.

Indeed, the 2017 election saw the appearance of J-L Mélenchon's  'La France

Insoumise' - ('Disobedient France') - was a clear appeal to this population. 

Followed by the creation of Macron's 'En Marche' - (Advancing together) - which has

governed since then. And in a show of great consideration, Mélenchon himself 

(71 years old) did not seek a seat for himself, while still leading his coalition to substantive 


So in my usual vein, as someone watching foreign elections from afar, Congratulations

to All on this election!!

source: Le Figaro

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