Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 The May to May inflation numbers are coming out this morning, and

it's going to be bad: I've seen, 7.4% suggested because transportation

costs are going up. Taking a bit of perspective, I compute, below, inflation

going back three years, giving a yearly average of...3.3%:

Fine, I'm blabbering...Let's wait!

                                                                   *     *     *

7.7% for Canada, 7.5% for Quebec.

                                                                  *     *     *

This is how income programs for Seniors are indexed. The 'Rentes du Quebec'

follows the same calculations as the CPP, from November Year 1 to October Year 2.

With changes applied from January. OAS/GIS gets adjusted on a quarterly basis,

with the annual re-set in July. (Benefit levels vary with amounts received from

private income, including CPP).,the%20following%20year%20is%20announced.

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