Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 Halloween is over, and I had a particularly bad case of it

this year ie the need to express myself with dark and eerie themes.

I did it on my blog, I felt a compulsion to do it. But when it came 

time to actually get dressed up and go out on the actual day, I did nothing. 

Just went out to walk and shop as ever. It's Halloween everyday when 

you are old ie no longer projecting youth and vigour, but some bits of decay. 

I wasn't alone in this; I don't think I saw a single person costumed on

that day...How Strange!

In a large sense, it did make me realize something. The fat phobia discussion

is as urgent as ever on the internet, but it is a loosing proposition. Not that

fat is particularly repulsive, but it does give one a sense of something out

of norm, and that's the whole point. Humans are a species and constantly

'correcting' each other: 'a proper human monkey doesn't look like that'. and this

can apply to any feature, bulging eyes, funny nose, large feet, teenie waist,

posture. All fodder for the corrections machine.

Not that there is a standard model, but we all seem to be pushing toward

establishing one., not always with congruent results. Fine, I'll take it with a 

smile. Although I even had a teacher once correct me for smiling way too much,

and making me practice a straight face. 

See you next year 😼

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Been totally enjoying Socratia videos for python. The datetime one below:

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