Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 Still working this morning, although explicitly calling 'show event' is flagged

as a use of a restricted method by Pycharm. In point of fact, it is not always necessary.

What does seem to help is setting tooltidelay to 0 in the calendar settings. Just all

might have to do with the fact I am not running this on a current computer. Might see

different results once I switch python projects to my newer tablet.


*     *     *

Been reading about the US midterms, still not altogether clear on the results.

Was happy with the below, I voted, prize-winning sticker. It is the work of a

fourteen year old, in a small town in NY State. Reminded me of what I read

about this election: over 65s were voting in a greater proportion than ever



Fine, I'm a senior myself. But it did make me think that there is surely something odd 

about having much older leadership in times of peace. Isn't this something one turns to

in times of war, when we need steady nerves and experience. Maybe both sides 

should resign in the West vs Russia confrontation over Ukraine. Younger people

might see a solution...

                                                                    *     *     *

Installed Python 3.11 and Pycharm on my surface Pro 8. The hover function

works instantly, without needing to be called...


                                                              *     *     *
I have found a discussion on this: apparently, all is well if tkcalendar is run on a Mac.

The maximize first trick works on Windows; the workaround is to add update_idletasks().

That function does just what is says; rather than updating everything, it only updates things

that are temporarily on hold...


Graphic user interfaces often change a lot, with multiple color and other adjustments. 

so these changes are buffered and run as one. This is why idle tasks tends to be run

near he main loop. This case is an exception: we are dealing with an invisible change to

begin with, and one we want immediately available.

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