Sunday, November 20, 2022

Turtle Gaming

 Imported a 400x400 gameboard to turtle code.

This could turn into a game...👩




                                                            *     *     *

Sidenote: Python - famously - does not support transaprency. it also only shows

GIF imges. The two are not unrelated. Yesterday, I had the clever idea of importing

a reduced opacity PNG to turtle, to see what would happen. Turns out PNG is not

allowed, while GIF is a format that has no transparency. Silly me!!



Below, same gameboard, different turtle. This turtle moves on the diagonal only.

It is important to keep in mind what function the actual turtle responds to.

Generic turtle defines the listen functions, but only a specific turtle moves

correctly in response.



                                                                           *     *     *

Still a work in progres, but one can see there might be a way to use

the ondrag() function to build up code that would allow us to write

freehand with turtle.




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