Thursday, July 6, 2023


 I've recently adopted a new drink, and it is serving me

well in this particular heat episode we are living through;

it is water. And not the fizzy, mineralized, flavoured whatever kind

either but...wait for it...the demineralized ozonated kind. In short,

distilled water  or equivalent to it.

I keep a bottle in the fridge, and drink a bit whenever I am really

thisty or want to take aspirin, or a supplement of some kind.

The taste - or rather the lack of taste - seems wonderful to me. It is cool

and because there is no salt in it at all, just a bit does the trick. 

I have searched the Internet on it: not really recommended as a dietary

staple because one needs electrolytes but it won't hurt as such. I think of

it as a little treat for the elderly.

Not expensive; I buy it at the drugstore...🧊


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A Threads how-to:

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