Monday, July 10, 2023



Daughter Lyse has been camping in New Brunswick, and totally enjoying

the sceneray and climate. She has been posting to Facebook: below, 

a great pic from St. Martins' Cave.

She is quite a good photographer, and I decided to test Google image recognition

with this image. 

This is AI, and takes a minute to process... One clicks on the camera in the 

Google search box.



Voilà, other images identifying the spot!!

                                                                       *     *     *

One doesn't even need to be on Google to use it. Here, I have called Google Images

from my Edge browser on a computer that doesn't have Chrome installed:


The broader capability is called Google Lens, and can yield all kinds of information

and tips. Below, using the image of a felled tree from a nearby park.


Couldn't tell me where this photo was taken, but did have a lot of info on kind of trees, 

or other trees hit by lightning...

                                                          *     *     *

On-the-money, here. The cake is mascarpone, a hybrid cake between a cheesecake

and a sponge cake  which I have photographed at a sweetheart angle...



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