Saturday, July 22, 2023

Yo Pandas!

 Went back to the Codemy series on pytorch, secure in the knowledge

that I was but a few steps away from completion. Well, no. In order to set up

the learning environment for the data, I need to use pandas, which is a data

manipulation library: 28 little tutorials in all.

That's computers in a nutshell; always need to learn more...🙇‍♀️

                                                               *     *     *

First, one needs to install Jupyter notebooks and pandas. In my case,

this was already done because I used anaconda to install python on my

new computer. (A lifesaver to avoid all those 'path' problems!)


In cases where one needs a virtual environment, one opens the anaconda navigator.

(One previously created a folder for the project and used cd to navigate to it.)

From the navigator:


One can then open the project form the project file...


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