Saturday, August 26, 2023


How much tritium in seawater is still safe. That would seem to be

the issue between Japan and China as the former releases Fukushima

waters into the ocean.

Tritium is formed naturally in the atmosphere, but in minute amounts. 

And - measured twenty years ago - natural levels in oceans remained higher 

in the Northern atmosphere from bomb testing in the 1950s and 60s.

The normal from that time is the TU.



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source Codemy

Reviewing the notions of set and subset: a set is a collection of similar objects

with no doubles.

A sub-set is just some of these objects.

Sub-sets need not add to the full set, and can re-use elements.

A set might be all the spice bottles in one's kitchen, no doubles. A sub-set

could be the three, 'oregano, 'garlic salt', 'onion salt', that will be used for a pizza...

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