Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Two Cents

 Canada’s woke nightmare is a vision of Britain’s future (msn.com)

                                                          *     *     *

To read about it in the UK conservative Telegraph, Canada - under

the Liberals - has embarked on the woke path. And it's all so embarassingly

wrong, wrong... How do I feel about that.

First, we are alone being faced with a number of identity issues. What

I think is actually happening is that population growth is creating powerful 

and visible minorities. The percentage of homosexual and non-conforming

individuals in the population could well be the same as ever, but the numbers

are much greater. And if they want to parade downtown Monreal on a Saturday 

afternoon, the numbers are there to do it. 

Is that a problem I think overall more of a phase. No, June need not be Pride

Month forever; it is actually the nicest month of the year in chilly old Canada, and

all lovers should be able to claim it, get married, whatever. As I said, a phase.

And people should be able to celebrate their love lives without grotesque parodies

of the other side of the fence, from both sides.

Should Jordan Peterson be silenced. His professional order seems to think he

should take it easy. Maybe he should...

Should drugs be widely available. Meth started as cough syrup. Darn good product,

took a lot of it as a kid. The internet is a continous advertising feed, and creates a lot

superlative-laden blah blah. About everything. Everyone needs to become aware of

that, and reclaim their autonomy, as people. Sartre once remarked that language

was talking HIM; that's what is happening to us on a large scale.

The Indigenous population: the one thing they cannot have is a different history

with a different outcome. Here we all are. Some of us  aspiring to live larger; others

looking to live smaller...and going to Mars.

Voilà; my two-cents' worth.

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