Saturday, November 18, 2023


 I'm starting to feel more comfortable around complex numbers. We

are encouraged to remember that Descartes - discussing false roots -

scoffed at  'imaginary numbers'. i for us is the imaginary constant -sqrt(-1),

but far from useless.

So the square root of a negative number may seem daunting, but in fact

one needs to consider what is happening in the larger situation. Below, 

my function1 on the Cartesian plan is but 1 away from from touching the

x-axis. If I subtract 1, voilà. My function is perfectly usable.

So, someone working at the local supermarket sees on the shelve a box

of bottles of wine, and a lone bottle of the product next to it. If the label says 

'contains 9', he is looking at a 3x3 container...

Next to it, a cubic case of lettuce, containing 64 but missing 4...

*     *     *

Couldn't help but play with Geogebra riemann function:


So, found a zero for the imaginary term...


                                                                           *     *     *
-Putting everything on e to find the angle

-Using sine and cos

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