Wednesday, November 15, 2023


So for today's work, I think I need to become more clear about Taylor series

which can be used to estimate a function about a point, or actually define a

trigonometric function. These arose as the power of Calculus was starting to

be appreciated to 'backwards engineer' . Will be on my ever-appreciated Math is Fun

site, and their helpful problem sets.

Asked Bing/Chatgpt how a calculator does operations on e:

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Taking the plunge on series, with the simplest I could find. Using

my python skills to generate results is turning out a bit wordy...





Up to seven sound decimals on the Maclaurin expansion for e^x!


Here's the fun part about this series. The very same series expansion is what defines e

to begin with, only with x set to 1. Put differently, we are computing e anew every time we

ask for e to some power...



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