Sunday, February 23, 2025

On the Ready

 Took a look at the settings on the camera on my Surface Pro tablet.

As COPILOT pointed out to me, this is not  dedicated camera. On the

other hand, the tablet is a quality computer, and the images I am served

will look fine on automatic.

Option 1, I can work from the tablet settings:

Taking saturation as an example...Default


High Saturation...


Low Saturation,,,


Option 2, there are, as well, parameters one can set before taking the picture...



Not changing shutter speed...


Shutter Speed at 50%, thus longer time and nore light...


       *     *     *

If and when it snows again, I'll be ready!!         

                                                                               *     *     *

Got advice from ChatGPT:


Not bad; just need some snow. 

There is also the small matter of not being able to open the screen door. This

sometimes happens if it snows while I am asleep. Next morning, the snow is

too rigid to move... And it gets worse if the outer layer melts duting the day

and refreezes at night. Solve THAT ChatGPT!!😕

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