Looked at the Microsoft Weather App, this morning. It is cold and the
effective temperature is listed as -30C. I believe it!!
There is also a Blizzard Warning in effect, with near-zero visibility on
the open road, and that encompasses the neighboring US, as well...
I may not be able to leave the apartment today, but I will have a go at shovelling
the balcony. I took some two feet of snow off yesterday, late afternoon, and there
is as much again. I try to do it when I think the large snowplow for the yard is due,
so that I don't block the road. ⛄️
* * *
Environment Canada is showing light snowfall. The wind-driven swirls make it
hard to tell:
* * *
Meteo Media (The Weather Network) is showing a lighter effective temperature,
closer to the Environment Canada numbers.
This is not an idle concern; -30 is the cut-of point for frostbite!!
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