Saturday, May 13, 2017

Goings On

It goes on... this Saturday, French automaker Renault reports having
been hit by ransomware. France had already experienced an attack on some
300 firms in April, 2017.

Was considering just using my non-windows machines: an old McBook Pro
and my go-for-coffee Samsung tablet, but apparently I am protected because
I accept Microsoft updates and run the free anti-virus program.

Read yesterday - on Wired - that the patch was server-level!?

Also read that the spread of the virus is helped along by code produced
by the NSA. So not only did they not report the vulnerability to Microsoft,
but they made things worst. So,  President Trump, if you feel like firing
someone...Just saying. (Srsly, they were meant to protect against this
kind of thing).

In fine, those still running Windows XP are vulnerable. And computers
on networks all go out together.

                                                  *   *   *

Asked Google for a map of the cyberattack.  Below, that from NBC News:

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