Saturday, May 27, 2017


Making sense of fusion and fission helped me understand
a bit more about the current standard model of particle physics;
the nomenclature and behaviour of subatomic particles. Below,
information about protons and neutrons,  two actors in the weapons

I already knew that nuclei contain both protons and neutrons, but
I was surprised to learn that protons do not decay on the human scale, but
neutrons do, in about 10 minutes. In fact, they are somewhat heavier than
protons and neutron decay yields a proton, ( a W- boson, which turns into)
an electron and an electron antineutrino.

(A proton can become a neutron, but one must give it energy under
extraordinary circumstances. The Curies worked on this discovery).

The notion of spin is somewhat problematic if approached from ideas from
classical physics( see the otherwise charming vido below). In fact, one needs to
consider a virtual world where particles exist for a brief moment under the measurable
limit of Eisenberg Uncertainty (Zitterbewebung). So Quantum Physics is other than
Particle Physics, more narrative than descriptive.

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