Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Norm

The controversy about the thinness of fashion
models is all rather silly. The fact that women drool
fashion photos is testimony to the success of what the industry
is doing: showing busy young women in eccentric takes
wearing expensive clothes. Because not only are the models
thin for the norm, the clothes presented are distortions
as well.

Below, Anna Wintour of Vogue, being honored by the Queen:
she is wearing this year's Chanel spring suit (recognizable
by the high belt).

source: Le Figaro

Here is what that collection looked like on the runway:

The models are very young women, and they are tall. One might want to
consider that very tall people are often very thin in adolescence.
They grow at the expense of filling out, but it is temporary.

Things are as they should be, and good luck with that 18.5 BMI.
17 is more likely the norm in that population!!

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